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Patient News

Friends & Family Test Results

Friends & Family Test Results

The NHS want you to have the best possible experience of care. The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback, so we can continually review our service.

It is based on one simple question:

"Overall, how was your experience of our service?"

Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think of your experience – what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately, you’re helping us to make changes that will ensure we can offer the best possible care.

FFT Results

Month / YearExtremely LikelyLikelyNeither Likely nor UnlikelyUnlikelyExtremely Unlikely
Apr-23 3 3   
May-23 2    
Jun-23 3    
May-24 15    


Friends & Family Test Results

The NHS want you to have the best possible experience of care. The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback, so we can continually review our service.

It is based on one simple question:

"Overall, how was your experience of our service?"

Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think of your experience – what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately, you’re helping us to make changes that will ensure we can offer the best possible care.

FFT Results

Month / YearExtremely LikelyLikelyNeither Likely nor UnlikelyUnlikelyExtremely Unlikely
Apr-23 3 3   
May-23 2    
Jun-23 3    
May-24 15    


1 Feb, 2024
18 Aug, 2023
NHS App: A More Secure and Reliable Way to Receive Messages from Your Surgery

Please click the link below to download the NHS App.

NHS App | www.nhs.uk

Please click the link below to download the NHS App.

NHS App | www.nhs.uk

The NHS Smokefree Pledge

As local health leaders we acknowledge that: 

  • Smoking is the leading cause of premature death, disease, and disability in our communities
  • Smoking places a significant additional burden on health and social care services and undermines the future sustainability of the NHS 
  • Healthcare professionals have a key role to play in motivating smokers to try to quit and offering them further support to quit successfully 
  • Reducing smoking amongst the most disadvantaged in our communities is the single most important means of reducing health inequalities 
  • Smoking is an addiction starting in childhood with two thirds of smokers starting before the age of 18 
  • Smoking is an epidemic created and sustained by the tobacco industry, which promotes uptake of smoking to replace the tens of thousands of people its products kill in England every year 


We welcome: 

  • The Government’s ambition to make England smokefree by 2030 and tackle health inequalities in smoking prevalence 
  • The NHS Long Term Plan’s commitment for all smokers in hospital, pregnant women, and long-term users of mental health services to be offered NHS funded tobacco dependence treatment by 2023-24 
  • NICE public health guidance on tobacco


In support of a smokefree future, Bitterne Surgery commits from 2023 to: 

  • Treat tobacco dependency among patients and staff who smoke in line with commitments in the NHS Long Term Plan and Tobacco Control Plan for England 
  • Ensure that smokers within the NHS have access to the medication they need to quit in line with NICE guidance on smoking in secondary care 
  • Create environments that support quitting through implementing smokefree policies as recommended by NICE 
  • Deliver consistent messages about harms from smoking and the opportunities and support available to quit in line with NICE guidance 
  • Actively work with local authorities and other stakeholders to reduce smoking prevalence and health inequalities 
  • Protect tobacco control work from the commercial and vested interests of the tobacco industry 
  • Support Government action at national level 
  • Publicise this commitment to reducing smoking in our communities and join the Smokefree Action Coalition (SFAC), the alliance of organisations working to reduce the harm caused by tobacco

As local health leaders we acknowledge that: 

  • Smoking is the leading cause of premature death, disease, and disability in our communities
  • Smoking places a significant additional burden on health and social care services and undermines the future sustainability of the NHS 
  • Healthcare professionals have a key role to play in motivating smokers to try to quit and offering them further support to quit successfully 
  • Reducing smoking amongst the most disadvantaged in our communities is the single most important means of reducing health inequalities 
  • Smoking is an addiction starting in childhood with two thirds of smokers starting before the age of 18 
  • Smoking is an epidemic created and sustained by the tobacco industry, which promotes uptake of smoking to replace the tens of thousands of people its products kill in England every year 


We welcome: 

  • The Government’s ambition to make England smokefree by 2030 and tackle health inequalities in smoking prevalence 
  • The NHS Long Term Plan’s commitment for all smokers in hospital, pregnant women, and long-term users of mental health services to be offered NHS funded tobacco dependence treatment by 2023-24 
  • NICE public health guidance on tobacco


In support of a smokefree future, Bitterne Surgery commits from 2023 to: 

  • Treat tobacco dependency among patients and staff who smoke in line with commitments in the NHS Long Term Plan and Tobacco Control Plan for England 
  • Ensure that smokers within the NHS have access to the medication they need to quit in line with NICE guidance on smoking in secondary care 
  • Create environments that support quitting through implementing smokefree policies as recommended by NICE 
  • Deliver consistent messages about harms from smoking and the opportunities and support available to quit in line with NICE guidance 
  • Actively work with local authorities and other stakeholders to reduce smoking prevalence and health inequalities 
  • Protect tobacco control work from the commercial and vested interests of the tobacco industry 
  • Support Government action at national level 
  • Publicise this commitment to reducing smoking in our communities and join the Smokefree Action Coalition (SFAC), the alliance of organisations working to reduce the harm caused by tobacco
9 Jun, 2023
Welcome to the new website

Welcome to Bitterne Surgery's new WEBSITE, we hope you will find it informative, useful and we welcome your feedback about it. We will try to keep it up to date as possible with surgery changes such as new patient services available to you, COVID changes and vaccine news and latest news.

Welcome to Bitterne Surgery's new WEBSITE, we hope you will find it informative, useful and we welcome your feedback about it. We will try to keep it up to date as possible with surgery changes such as new patient services available to you, COVID changes and vaccine news and latest news.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Advice in your region:

England | Scotland | Wales | Northern Ireland | Ireland

Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19).

Check if you or your child has coronavirus symptoms

Find out about the main symptoms of coronavirus and what to do if you have them.

Self-isolation and treatment if you have coronavirus symptoms

Advice about staying at home (self-isolation) and treatment for you and anyone you live with.

Testing and tracing

Information about testing for coronavirus and what to do if you're contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service.

People at high risk

Advice for people at higher risk from coronavirus, including older people, people with health conditions and pregnant women.

Social distancing and changes to everyday life

Advice about avoiding close contact with other people (social distancing), looking after your wellbeing and using the NHS and other services during coronavirus.

GOV.UK: coronavirus – guidance and support

Government information and advice.

Advice in your region:

England | Scotland | Wales | Northern Ireland | Ireland

Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19).

Check if you or your child has coronavirus symptoms

Find out about the main symptoms of coronavirus and what to do if you have them.

Self-isolation and treatment if you have coronavirus symptoms

Advice about staying at home (self-isolation) and treatment for you and anyone you live with.

Testing and tracing

Information about testing for coronavirus and what to do if you're contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service.

People at high risk

Advice for people at higher risk from coronavirus, including older people, people with health conditions and pregnant women.

Social distancing and changes to everyday life

Advice about avoiding close contact with other people (social distancing), looking after your wellbeing and using the NHS and other services during coronavirus.

GOV.UK: coronavirus – guidance and support

Government information and advice.

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